Electronic Disclosure System Help Centre

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) has introduced a new Electronic Disclosure System (EDS) that allows real-time reporting of political donations. EDS operates online at www.ecq.qld.gov.au and replaces traditional paper-based forms. It aims to streamline the disclosure process while increasing transparency surrounding gifts.

All entities conducting or supporting political activity in Queensland are required to submit a disclosure return to ECQ. These include ‘real time’ reporting of gifts and loans, as well as periodic reporting of other dealings such as advertising and expenditure1. EDS also makes these returns readily available to the public, providing faster and easier access to political financial disclosure information.

Introduction of EDS is an outcome of ECQ’s ongoing commitment to the people of Queensland, to drive improvements to election services and meet changing community needs.

1Disclosure requirements are detailed in the Electoral Act 1992 and the Local Government Electoral Act 2011; additional information is also available at www.ecq.qld.gov.au.