Click on the ‘View Table’ button in the top right of the screen to toggle to table view (and click ‘View Map’ to toggle back to map view at any point).
The table shows greater detail than the map, providing information on individual gifts such as donor, recipient, date gift made and gift value.
The icon between the Donor and Recipient names indicate whether the return has been reconciled (green and linked) or remains unreconciled (orange and unlinked) or the return does not require a corresponding return (purple and linked). The donor name is colour-coded based on which party is yet to submit the reconciling return; green indicates the submitter, orange indicates the entity is yet to submit and purple indicates the entity is not required to submit the corresponding return. Note that if both entities lodge a return but one makes a mistake, both entries will be listed with both shown as unreconciled until the incorrect return is amended.
Sorting & Navigating
Tabulated data can be sorted by any of the shown columns. Click the arrows to the right of each column title to sort all the data into ascending or descending order.
By default, 25 items are shown on the first page. Scroll to the bottom of the table and click on the numbers or arrows in the bottom right to move to the next page. To change the default number of items shown, scroll to the bottom of the table, click on the ‘Show 25’ dropdown, change to your preferred option, and click ‘Apply’.
Search & Filters
The search and filter options on the table screen are the same as those shown on the map screen, and, where practical, are standardised across the system.
Any filters that you have applied while on the map screen will remain applied in the table screen, and vice versa.
To show all gifts, click ‘Clear Filters’.
Downloading Data
You can download the gift information to view offline as either PDF or CSV format.
Click the ‘Download’ icon immediately to the left of 'View Map', and choose PDF or CSV.
PDFs require PDF viewer software to be installed on your device before you view. CSV files can be opened in MS Excel or similar spreadsheet software or viewers.
If you don’t have any filters applied, all the data in the system will be included in your download. If you have applied a search or filters, only data that matches the search and/or filters will be downloaded.
Once downloaded, the data may be further sorted, analysed or printed.