Above the tables and map throughout EDS are a number of search and filter options that can help you narrow down your search for information. When you have selected your options, click ‘Apply’ to filter the results.
Search: Type in any relevant keyword, e.g. donor, recipient, electorate names, or donor address, then click ‘Apply’. The map will then highlight all electorates that contain this keyword in the data.
Candidates: By default, you are viewing data for all candidates. To view data for one particular candidate, click on the arrow to get a dropdown of the available options, select one, then click ‘Apply’. There is also a search box at the top of the list – type in here to narrow down the list.
State/Local: View data for either state electoral boundaries or local electoral boundaries. Click on the arrow to get a dropdown of the available options, select one, then click ‘Apply’. Note that the default view is for this page to show state boundaries.
Election periods: Choose and view data for a particularly election period. Click on the arrow to get a dropdown of all available options, select one, then click ‘Apply’. There is also a search box at the top of the list – type in here to narrow down the list. Selecting an election period will also preselect the From and To date fields for you.
Parties/Groups: By default, you are viewing data for all registered political parties (for State government view) or local candidate groups (for Local government view) at once. To view data for one particular party/group, click on the arrow to get a dropdown of the available options, select one, then click ‘Apply’. There is also a search box at the top of the list – type in here to narrow down the list.
From/To: View data between two particular dates by choosing From and To dates. Click on the calendar symbol to show the calendar. Select your dates for both From and To, then click ‘Apply’.
Min amount/Max amount: Narrow down the gift or expenditure amounts by typing in a maximum and/or minimum amount, noting that only numbers may be entered in these fields. Then click ‘Apply’.
Calendar based reporting period: Choose and view data for a particular reporting period. Click on the arrow to get a dropdown of all available options. There is also a search box at the top of the list - type in here to narrow down the list. Selecting a reporting period will also preselect the From and To date fields for you.
Clear filters: Clears all filters you have applied and resets viewed data to the defaults. Click this to restart your searching/filtering.